Of one press release:
“a good cause, a good people and good bicycles.” - Craig cousin 2004
The 9th annual Kw_Riding in history, May 17-18, 2008
World gulf Village, STR Augustine, Florida
Leave plans at the 9th annual Kw_Riding in history case, one participate from cases of Prime Minister wine read motorcycle to that of America. Kw_fun the Concours d’Elegance, Ball the cyclist, closes the at all-popular die next love travels and the historical Ride also (for Concours participant). in history Willereturn to World the gulf Village close STR Augustine Riding, Florida May 17-18, 2008. Die yields of the Kw_Riding in history use friend examination 12 of which next love early querying of the cancer of the breast, a partnership between the Baptist are Coast Health and first News., die in history Riding, contributed friend examination 12 over $130 thousand Dollar to the since case of opening.
The great marshal for 2008 is Mert Lawwill, the American motorcycle driver connection great National masters of 1969, as well as one top of the specialists on the AMA national electric circuit during the sixties and the seventies. 1969 war Lawwill selected AMAs of most popular passengers of the yearly and were finally inserted into the motorcycle Hall the fame 1998. Lawwill possibly admits well for its one of the characterized passengers early seventies movie of classical author “on somehow Sunday”, the offer Lawwills noted, at its AMA great National title during 1970 to defend season constantly.
the Kw_Riding in history regards excitement highly the each year, while each marque selection an increasing number and a multiplicity of motorcycle enthusiasts draws This for year we celebrates “Racy competition wheel-driven” a category, die die wine read bicycles closed, die as die road to be ridden, die runs, motocross, the flat current thing track and die attempts. Between Antique ones 300 and 400, wine vintage and classical motorcycles of all more over is expected the country to more enter the Concours. Thousands of spectators are anticipated, in order to worry itself the case, also the exhibitor, maintenance, associations and a multiplicity of the food include. Admission is still only $10 to gate for the Concours. Different packages are present for the Concours, the cyclist Ball and die next love travels, die on the web site to be communicated.
Peter Egan, great marshal the 2006 said, “die large schattierte circular promenade at World the gulf Village is the best place, which I have at all seen for a bicycle show.”
The great marshal 2005, the Dennis theory noted, “with World the gulf Village as its background, this, is the premiere motorcycle Concours d’Elegance in the north America.”
Possibly Craig cousin, the great marshal 2004 summed up it up well as it said, “a good cause, a good people and good bicycles. It doesn’t keeps each possible more better than that.”
Internationally well-known motorcycle artist pulls Bradley for the order employs die original creative work for die posters, die of over individual parts of the become collectors die years has. Posters, t-Shirts and other individual parts are on www.RidingIntoHistory.org and present at the case.
The case is represented by the Kw_Riding in history committee, composed entirely by the freiwilligen members from the different motorcycle associations is and die bmw motorcycle owners of northeast Florida (BMWNEF) including.
Promotions for the case are present, by Current with Cindy hill (904) 477-6987. promoter include Miller BMW from Tallahassee, insurance motorcycle wine vintage Sargent of cycle products and Jacksonville of power sport of Other advocates include Hagertys, Meguiars, Kw_MercedesBenz, WAD maps and more associates. Kw_World gulf the Village is the located fair north of STR Augustine on I-95, takes out 323.
To additional information you go too http://www.RidingIntoHistory.org, to email info@RidingIntoHistory.org or too call to 904-730-9719
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